I hope everyone had a great holiday. I know I had a wonderful time. Minus the fact that my little brother ended up in the hospital with the beginning stages of pneumonia. He had to have a spinal tap to figure out what was wrong. He even began to leak spinal fluid. I felt so bad for him. But! On the upside, he's feeling better, and I go to ride a camel!! My cousins have been over visiting from the east coast, and we have been having the best time visiting. Out Thanksgiving meal was fantastic. I loved every bite of it. We spent the following day running over creation visiting people, watching movies, and riding camels. Which I want, by the way. My cousin drew a picture of us riding it. Which looks pretty awesome. I did a bit of drawing my self while I had some free time. I TRIED drawing Snow White. Emphises on tried. Haha! I am going to touch it up in Photoshop. I want to fix it up so it actually looks like it's supposed to.
I it's a short update, but there really isn't a whole lot going on. I am looking at colleges to attend after I graduate, and I am looking at two things. Going to the community college near by, or doing Disney's college program. I might, will, probably, most likely, am going to do one to two years of hard core college and then go to Disneyland. Haha.
That's all for now.
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