Saturday, June 18, 2011


Holy COW! My room is a freaking freezer right now. It is crazy. I was huddled under like three blankets, and I was still freezing... Haha! So now I am sitting in my living room, and watching tv. It is still kinda cold, but I didn't want to go outside because I was afraid that it was going to start raining. And I am supposed to be cleaning my room. As you can tell, I am doing such a good job! Can't you tell? I am multitasking. Cleaning, and typing. It takes serious skill. I think my new medication isn't quite working anymore, either that or I am not taking it at the same time everyday. I have a problem remembering what I have been doing the day, let alone the week before. I can remember so little of our trip to Disneyland. I remember a lot of our trip in October, but I have been having a hard time remembering a lot. I remember bits and pieces. I think it might be the depression. That was one of the symptoms. But what can I do? I guess I just might just have to work through it.

On a happier note! I won tickets to Disneyland! It was pretty awesome. I was listening to a radio station, and they were giving them away, and you had to be caller number ten. I was, and it was totally awesome.

I am going to try and find a way to earn money, on the side of already working at the college book store. I have a couple of different ideas I have been tossing around. I have been thinking about doing pastel pictures, of landscapes. But my motivation has been slowly leaking since graduation. I need a pick me up. Disneyland was fun, but I can't remember most of it. I don't know what is happening to my poor brain. I really need some answers.

Okay. I am done with my novel post.
Have a good one guys!
if you could tell me any ideas you may have about how I could earn some money. Like I was thinking arm warmers, or digital art. Toss some ideas my way!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Together We Can Make Dreams Come True

Guess who's in Disneyland!!!?? Me of course!! :D sorry for the patch of no posting, bug I have been super busy!! With graduation and all, and then going and partying. At amusement parks all day afterwards. I'm now in Disneyland. After a 12 hour drive yesterday! We made it. I'm with my mom, and best friend! So I'm ready to have a blast!! Sorry that it's so short, but I have to go!!

-have a Disney day!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Okay. So. I am so so so so so so close to exploding!!! From excitement!!! I just want to scream at the top of my lungs from some place very high!! I seriously cannot contain my self. I graduate a week from today, then I get to party at lagoon, and then a day later, I go to California to party at Disneyland and see my friend again! Whom I haven't spoken to in months. Because he's a butt face and didn't tell me that he was planning on letting his sister use his phone. So I was worrying my face off wondering where he could be!! But now I get to see him when I go down. I want to explode into confetti. Seriously. Today was pretty sweet too. Right now I'm cuddling with my giant stuffed Mickey, drinking chocolate milk, and watching my new favorite show, "Viper's Creed." it's so awesome. I love it.
So I got to have a tour of our community college, and cannot wait to start. I am so stoked for the drawing classes! I think I'm going to die of overload of happy before I get to that point! I got my hair colored, my graduation pictures look fantastic, and I need to finish bleaching my teeth before Friday. Because I got my braces off before graduation just like I wanted. I've had them off for a good month and a half, and I'm hanging out with some old friends, and new friends! New graduation outfits! New jacket. New everything! (still need to excavate my bedroom) and a whole new me, I never even knew existed.
Pirates of the Caribbean: on stranger tides was amazing by the way!!! I fell in love with the missionary dude. I decided he was pretty good looking. I'm excited for my self! I worked on my car today, and I get to finish it soon. Hopefully getting most of it done tomorrow. The previous owner had the radio stolen, and they hacked away at evey wire in that radio. So I have to buy new wires and connectors and fun things like that. Oh goodness! I have so many things I could keep talking about! But I have let this post run on long enough.
So with that, Gütte Nacht everyone!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Funny Funny

So. Haha. Funny story. Well I was supposed to meet with my school counselor, and go to the local college for a tour of the campus today. Eh well, I had a doctors appointment before hand, and as we left said doctors appointment, instead of going to said college, we went to the nursery near by instead. Putting together flowers for amlovely color bowl instead. Mistake number one. Mistake number two. Losing track of time! We totally spaced, and when we noticed we were late, we began heading home. Just then, our tire went flat. Crisis number one. So we waited for, oh lets say a half hour. After that, it was fixed we went home, and knowing my spazzy counselor, she would be worried sick, because we didn't show up. I was supposed to go with my mom by the way. Well, so I went hunting for a number to call to get a hold of her, so she wouldn't be freaking out, and I could stop giving her gray hairs. Because I do that apparently. Maybe that's why she redid her hair recently. Either that or it just looked like it. But she tells me I give her more gray hairs than anyone she knows. But that just shows she cares. But I was supposed to meet her at 3:30 and she didn't leave until a quarter to six!! I feel absolutely terrible! I feel like the size of a pea! A tiny little sput!! I feel so also so so bad. I feel like rolling down the street I feel so bad. I made her worry for so long. :( so I finally jumped through a million hoops to find her number, and then I finally was able to stop her graying hair. She is totally awesome though. If it weren't for her, and my anonymous sponsor I would not have been graduating high school right now. So I have my future thanks to that lovely lady. She can stop dying her hair once I'm gone. And she won't have to worry about those silly little gray hairs.
Ta Ta my darlings!

Monday, May 23, 2011


Again. I only name titles by what I'm doing at the time, or watching, or listening to. Right now I'm watching my squishy nephew. He really likes to chew on his fist, and I think it's super cute. School was alright today. I don't really want to go tomorrow, but I have to. I'm so close to graduation, and I can't mess up now. The bonus is they I am going to Disneyland after. So I'm good with that. Nothing too exciting since yesterday, so today's Post is really short. Oh well.
Enjoy your day everyone!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

I Won't Say I'm In Love

I really couldn't think of what to title this one, and that just happened to be the song I was listening to. So! I have exciting news! I am graduating! What could be more exciting than that? Nothing! Other than I am going to Disneyland a couple days later. That does come right on the same level of excitement! And not to mention we got out Literary Arts Magazine published! It looks fan-freakin-tastic! I am so stoked! I also got my hair cut and colored. It looks so cool. I love it so much. I am way excited for when I walk. My counselor bought me a mortar board graduation hat with mickey ears from Disneyland! I am going to to have to take pictures, and post them to my flickr so you all can see them. I am going to be taking pictures like no one's business when I get down there. I intend to have the best few days of my life. Not to mention I get to spend a day on the beach! I am going to explode from all my excitement!

Life is moving along great right now! I feel much, much better, and I am normal again. It is awesome. I feel like I can go and conquer the world now! I know I am using a lot of exclamation points, but I don't care! I am going to shout my excitement to you anyway!
I have started drawing again, and I intend to start uploading them to my deviant art page. I also will have a link my flickr soon, so you can take a gander at all my loverly pictures, and my not so loverly face.

Have a fantastic Disney Day everyone! Keep Smiling!
Sarah (Little Indi)!

Monday, May 2, 2011


I like how my blog so far has nothing to do with art, or animation really. I just have been having a really rough time. Right now I feel like I am having another panic, or anxiety attack. I hate them so much. I feel like crap, and just want to scream, cry, and run around in circles all at once. Hopefully I will get over this mountain, and be able to get back to my normal life. I think that if I feel normal again, I will be able to get back on track, and start really drawing again. Graduation is inching closer and closer, and I just had the shortest week end of my life. I just can't believe how fast it flew past me. Right now I am shaking so much, probably from lack of sleep, and everything else. I took meds without eating, which is probably not helping. I have no idea what I really want to eat though. The last week has been a living hell. I just wanted to run away and cry last night. I had arguing. I hate it so much. I just want to feel normal again, and find my purpose in life. Hopefully I will get it. Sooner rather than later.

There is my rant. Hopefully I didn't offend anyone in that little bit. I have so many more things I could go on about right now. But that will have to be saved for a later post... Right now I just have a lot on my mind right now, that I need to shake.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rock Lobster!

I really don't have a lot to say today. I worked on a little bit of homework and my brain exploded. Math is definitely not my strong point. So I did some US government homework after. I do have a short 10 chapter story I have to write about my self. This should be interesting. I have to write moments I remember most. Some of them were when I was really young, so I can barely remember some of them. Or I can remember them, but not very well.

I just opened the file where I had saved my story, and a WHOLE bunch of it is missing. I just about started crying. I had so much typed up, and I can't even remember what it was... This sucks! Well. Now I have a ton that I have to go and type back up. I really wanted to just throw the computer. Oh well. I have to write a lot again. Oh well. I will post it later. In like a pdf file or something. So it doesn't take up a whole bunch of space.

I really don't have a whole lot to write. So this post will be brief. I really am just kind of putting along with my life right now. Things were really kind of bad for that long period I didn't post. That is part of the reason I wasn't posting. But I am feeling a lot better. Due to the meds. Haha! And other things. I think. But hey. What ever works right? I'm still watching cops. I am having a cops marathon really. I like watching them. Why? I don't know. Maybe it's because I admire the hard working police who help protect us and out community.

Anywho! Have a great day everyone!


Friday, April 22, 2011

Long Time Ago

It has certainly been a while since I have posted. But it seems like no one really cares anyway. ANYWHO! I am just lying in bed watching COPS, and reading stuff. I had a pretty chill spring break. I am currently nursing two kittens back to health after their mother abandoned them. They are just too cute! It is hard to type in the position I am in. I can't really explain how I am lying down, but my arms are kinda raised, and trying to type this way.

I still trying to get everything situated. Life, life, and school. Haha. I hope to have my new youtube page up, and get my deviant art page up too. I have my deviant art page up and going, but I need to dress it up, and upload some more art. I have like maybe 3 pictures? Haha! I am getting close to graduation, and when I get that done, I will have a huge weight lifted off my chest, and I can really getting moving on the things I want to do. Hopefully this summer, I will be able to get a lot of drawing done. We will see. Thank you for any one who may be following me. It means a lot to me!
