Okay. So. I am so so so so so so close to exploding!!! From excitement!!! I just want to scream at the top of my lungs from some place very high!! I seriously cannot contain my self. I graduate a week from today, then I get to party at lagoon, and then a day later, I go to California to party at Disneyland and see my friend again! Whom I haven't spoken to in months. Because he's a butt face and didn't tell me that he was planning on letting his sister use his phone. So I was worrying my face off wondering where he could be!! But now I get to see him when I go down. I want to explode into confetti. Seriously. Today was pretty sweet too. Right now I'm cuddling with my giant stuffed Mickey, drinking chocolate milk, and watching my new favorite show, "Viper's Creed." it's so awesome. I love it.
So I got to have a tour of our community college, and cannot wait to start. I am so stoked for the drawing classes! I think I'm going to die of overload of happy before I get to that point! I got my hair colored, my graduation pictures look fantastic, and I need to finish bleaching my teeth before Friday. Because I got my braces off before graduation just like I wanted. I've had them off for a good month and a half, and I'm hanging out with some old friends, and new friends! New graduation outfits! New jacket. New everything! (still need to excavate my bedroom) and a whole new me, I never even knew existed.
Pirates of the Caribbean: on stranger tides was amazing by the way!!! I fell in love with the missionary dude. I decided he was pretty good looking. I'm excited for my self! I worked on my car today, and I get to finish it soon. Hopefully getting most of it done tomorrow. The previous owner had the radio stolen, and they hacked away at evey wire in that radio. So I have to buy new wires and connectors and fun things like that. Oh goodness! I have so many things I could keep talking about! But I have let this post run on long enough.
So with that, Gütte Nacht everyone!
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