Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I'm Stupid

For the life of me; it took me forever to get in! I was trying and trying and trying to get in, and it refused to let me. Why? I didn't know. I thought maybe some one had gotten into my account and tampered with it. Maybe changed my password around or something. I was trying to get in with a password that wasn't working.

Then it hit me. I was using the wrong password. After jumping through hoops to try and change it, and wonder why I had to in the first place.
... No. I am just that stupid. I was trying to answer the secret question with the wrong answer.
I am just that stupid.

Any who. I went to Disneyland over the weekend. (YAY!) Have to say I had a great time. Accept the rain. It rained, and rained, and rained, and rained. Needless to say. It rained some more. But I got a lot of great videos, I intend to upload to YouTube at a later time. One of my favorites, is Snow White trying to poke Prince Phillip during Mickey's Rainy Day Cavalcade. It absolutely made my day. Half of the reason why, is because I want to work there as Snow White. It would be a dream come true.

I also got video of Fantasmic, and of World Of Color if any one is interested. There is some background chatter of me and my friends. We were having way to much fun for our own good. I was sad to come back home. Where it is snowing. Still. I love warm weather. I can't stand freezing. I am secretly afraid of freezing to death I think.

That is all for now.
Thank you all for reading!

Monday, December 6, 2010


I think I'm dying. It's almost one in the morning, and I can't seem to stop my coughing. I can't breath, and I just can't sleep. You'd think I'd do something more predictive with my time, instead of lying in my bed, typing this blog. Something like, homework perhaps. Great plan!? Yes. But I'm so just all around brain dead, I probably couldn't do a lick of geometry even if I wanted to. Haha. How sad is that?

I have a new book on my drawing books wish list. It's called 'Drawn To Life.' I looked at the first few pages, and it was amazing! It was so helpful and I don't even own it! I was looking on amazon, and the price isn't that bad at all. I am going to save up and get it along with some other drawing books that I saw, and wanted.

I don't think I'm going to have a throat by the time I get done with this cough. Haha that's really all for now. Until next time!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Hello hello!

Hello hello, my fellow bloggers. I haven't posted for a little bit because I keep forgetting and I'm so busy. Haha! But! Here I am! As sick as ever. I have the cold from the underworld. The one thing I don't have is a fever. Which I'm grateful for. Because I can still go to school. Which is a habit I should start forming in the first place.

Here is a lite bit on the snow white sketch I was talking about. I failed epically at it. I tried mind you. I cannot do human anatomy for the life of me. So her hands are a little, well, questionable. Haha. I'll post the sketch later when I finish it. I hope you guys arenexcited for the new Disney and Pixar Christmas special? You should be! It comes out Tuesday December 7th! Set your alarms! It's going to be so tinsel!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What's new with you?

I hope everyone had a great holiday. I know I had a wonderful time. Minus the fact that my little brother ended up in the hospital with the beginning stages of pneumonia. He had to have a spinal tap to figure out what was wrong. He even began to leak spinal fluid. I felt so bad for him. But! On the upside, he's feeling better, and I go to ride a camel!! My cousins have been over visiting from the east coast, and we have been having the best time visiting. Out Thanksgiving meal was fantastic. I loved every bite of it. We spent the following day running over creation visiting people, watching movies, and riding camels. Which I want, by the way. My cousin drew a picture of us riding it. Which looks pretty awesome. I did a bit of drawing my self while I had some free time. I TRIED drawing Snow White. Emphises on tried. Haha! I am going to touch it up in Photoshop. I want to fix it up so it actually looks like it's supposed to.

I it's a short update, but there really isn't a whole lot going on. I am looking at colleges to attend after I graduate, and I am looking at two things. Going to the community college near by, or doing Disney's college program. I might, will, probably, most likely, am going to do one to two years of hard core college and then go to Disneyland. Haha.

That's all for now.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Where to begin?

Hello everyone. I am new to this whole "blogging" thing. But I figured. "What they hey!? I'll give it a go." So, here I am, writing my first blog. It took me a little bit to figure out what in the world I could possibly talk about. Then it came to me. My dream is to become an animator someday. Not just any animator mind you; but a Disney Animator. It is my biggest dream. It's probably the biggest thing I want in the world.

So I came up with this. For those of you who are interested. I am going to take you on a journey of a teenage girl, who wants so desperately to become an animator, and what she will have to face to get there. It will take me a while, so we will see who really will follow me that far.

Now I have some side dreams on the side, but my main goal is to become that artist! I know I can do it, and I know my dream will come true. I might pick up a few people who are interested in such childish dreams, and for those of you who take the time to read this. Thank you. I am sure you all have so much better things to do, than to sit and read what it is I have to say.

So for now, I bid you all a farewell. I hope to see you all again soon!
Have a very Disney Day!

P.S. I do apologize in advance for any typo's, or any form of misspelling, and punctuation, or what every I happen to do wrong.