Saturday, June 18, 2011


Holy COW! My room is a freaking freezer right now. It is crazy. I was huddled under like three blankets, and I was still freezing... Haha! So now I am sitting in my living room, and watching tv. It is still kinda cold, but I didn't want to go outside because I was afraid that it was going to start raining. And I am supposed to be cleaning my room. As you can tell, I am doing such a good job! Can't you tell? I am multitasking. Cleaning, and typing. It takes serious skill. I think my new medication isn't quite working anymore, either that or I am not taking it at the same time everyday. I have a problem remembering what I have been doing the day, let alone the week before. I can remember so little of our trip to Disneyland. I remember a lot of our trip in October, but I have been having a hard time remembering a lot. I remember bits and pieces. I think it might be the depression. That was one of the symptoms. But what can I do? I guess I just might just have to work through it.

On a happier note! I won tickets to Disneyland! It was pretty awesome. I was listening to a radio station, and they were giving them away, and you had to be caller number ten. I was, and it was totally awesome.

I am going to try and find a way to earn money, on the side of already working at the college book store. I have a couple of different ideas I have been tossing around. I have been thinking about doing pastel pictures, of landscapes. But my motivation has been slowly leaking since graduation. I need a pick me up. Disneyland was fun, but I can't remember most of it. I don't know what is happening to my poor brain. I really need some answers.

Okay. I am done with my novel post.
Have a good one guys!
if you could tell me any ideas you may have about how I could earn some money. Like I was thinking arm warmers, or digital art. Toss some ideas my way!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Together We Can Make Dreams Come True

Guess who's in Disneyland!!!?? Me of course!! :D sorry for the patch of no posting, bug I have been super busy!! With graduation and all, and then going and partying. At amusement parks all day afterwards. I'm now in Disneyland. After a 12 hour drive yesterday! We made it. I'm with my mom, and best friend! So I'm ready to have a blast!! Sorry that it's so short, but I have to go!!

-have a Disney day!